Monday, May 30, 2011

getting back to nature - the falls at Liberty Lake

never knew that good things were right under our noses!

this is not the falls - apparently there is a lot of run-off this year
the views are well worth the steep hike

ants... in their natural habitat

lady bug land


we made it ~ what? you thought I would post a pic? silly!  You.  Must.  Go!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

bread is done!

I am doing the Artisian Bread in Five Minutes a Day and so far I love it! You don't need to get out the mixer (unless you want to) and can mix everything up in one container to store in the fridge! No kneading!

Some of the tools that they suggest you use are a pizza peel, but they said that you can substitute a non-sided baking sheet, which I have used when making ciabatta bread in the past. Note to self:  use parchment paper! This makes it slide off ALOT easier. Even though I dusted and floured the baking sheet it still stuck a bit. The bread doesn't look like it suffered much though...

first blog post

So, I've finally ventured into the world of the blog. My intent is to post something everyday so stay tuned. Right now I am multi-tasking and baking bread - I will post a pic of the finished product shortly and more about the process.